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Mortgage interest deduction phase out calculator Form: What You Should Know

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Mortgage interest deduction phase out calculator

Instructions and Help about Mortgage interest deduction phase out calculator

Today, I am going to talk about the home interest tax deduction. I will explain how this deduction works and how much money it can save you and increase your refund. This is a significant deduction for homeowners, and you can also qualify for the deduction if you own multiple homes. I will discuss how to report this on the 1040 form and the schedules that need to be filled out to qualify for the deduction. First, let's look at Schedule A, which is attached to the 1040 form. The interest you paid on your home will be reported on line 10 of this schedule. When you complete the return online, the electronic system will ask you a few questions and automatically fill out the necessary fields. You can obtain the information about the interest you paid from the bank where you have your mortgage. They will provide you with a Form 1098, which shows the total interest paid for the year. Simply enter this amount on line 10. Now, let's move on to the second page of the 1040 form. The total amount of all itemized deductions, including the home interest deduction, is reported on line 40. You will need to attach the Schedule A mentioned earlier. If you feel confident and have gathered all the necessary information, you can prepare your tax return directly on our website using the provided links. However, I will continue explaining this deduction in more detail for those who need further clarification. In addition to deducting the interest on your home, you can also deduct real estate taxes. These include both winter and summer taxes imposed by the city you live in. These taxes should be reported on the line below the interest deductions. Remember that all these deductions are itemized, so they are reported together. Since...